Varda Kotler About CD Recital
about CD Recital
I always had a warm place in my heart for the art-song. The composition of a great musical work combined with poetic literature is most exciting. The French music, which draws away from folklore, aspiring to achieve clarity of expression, impressions, varying tones of shades and atmosphere is very special to me, The melody is a literary, intellectual non sentimental poetry.

Every recital that portrays music from different worlds, it is fascinating to discover the uniqueness of each song, its spiritual nature and the possibility to express the essence of music and singing.

Why did I choose these songs? Apart from their beauty I saw in them a special excitement and interest. In the Se tu m'ami by Pergolesi - the contrast is more obvious between the music, which is so lyrical and the text that expresses cynicism.
An aria by Handel: Piangero la sorte mia – telling the story of the destiny of Cleopatra: from glory to hopeless despair.
In the songs of Mozart: beyond the pleasant melody, which is sometimes fragile – there is drama and profundity, always in an elegant line.
Bizet: bringing the sprit of the romantic period with its moods: from the poetic magic of Pastel, the melancholy of  Rose d'amour to the spark of  Tarentelle.

In the MetamorphosesPoulenc provides the feminist expression through the poetry of the poet, Louise de Vilmorin: delicacy, sensuality in a kaleidoscope of images and a sarcastic tone.
In vocalise etudeRavel presents a Spanish fantasy that I adore – introducing a mystical exotic mood.
Rodrigo – he wrote his songs according to the style of the Baroque, touching sentiments of solitude, love pains, mischievous spirit and ending with the joy of youth.

The songs touched my heart. What happens when you encounter a line in a poem or in a musical piece that penetrates your deepest emotions? There is an identification of a life true, excitement … this is the additional dimension that art brings to our life.
Varda Kotler

Reviews from:
Chronique Musicale

listen to music

    Pergolesi : se tu mami

    Handel : Aria : Piangero la sorte mia

    Poulenc : c'est ainsi que tu es

    Rodrigo : de donde venis amore

    Rodrigo : de los alamos vengo madre

cd recital varda kotler

Varda Kotler

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