About Paul Ben Haim Paul Ben-Haim, his life and works Paul Ben-Haim (1897-1984) has won an international reputation as a leading figure in the formation of the musical culture of modern Israel. Born in Munich, Germany, in 1924 he embarked on a promising career as Capellmeister of the Augsburg Opera, while developing his compositional activities. The Nazis rise to power in 1933 forced him to migrate to Palestine – then under British mandate rule – where he joined in the formation of a new musical culture in the ethnically heterogeneous community of Jewish migrants and refugees. Ben-Haim acquired an international reputation and his works have been extensively performed by leading musicians, including Yehudi Menuhin, Jasha Heifetz, Leopold Stokowsky, Menachem Pressler, Leonard Bernstein, Pnina Salzmann and many others. The program (with voice, piano, violin and cello) includes music written in Munich, Germany (where he grew up as a composer and later a conductor) to poets like: Hofmannsthal, Eichendorf, Morgenstern and etc… The other part is music he wrote in Israel where he lived after the Nazis rise to power in 1933. All pieces except two are first ever recording. Reviews from: Haaretz Actualite' Juive Aurora Hifi vide'o Scherzo (Spain) CD Compact Disc Spain Cinefonia. Paris Novosti Newspaper Listen To Music you myrtle blossom from eden the rain : calm : |
Varda Kotler